Unleashing More Power in Mythic Legends: Introducing Guilds and Orcs

March 22, 2023

Outfit7 and Hyper Dot Studios today announced two action-packed new additions to the universe of Mythic Legends. Fans of the strategy RPG can now create Guilds in the game, joining forces with their friends to make alliances and harness the power of the brand-new Orc Origin.

As a new feature, the Guilds encourage both competitive and cooperative gaming dynamics. Players can establish their own Guilds, with Guild creators being appointed the rank of General and other participants taking on other hierarchical roles with different rights and responsibilities. Together, they can take on battle challenges (communicating via the in-game chat function) and sharpen their gaming abilities, plan scenarios, and earn rewards as they fight for ultimate dominion in the arena.

Meanwhile, the new Orc Origin – a race of epic, tribal warriors who are savage in their pursuit of battle – will empower and enable players to devise even more innovative and thrilling battle strategies and enliven the current decks of Champions.

“Mythic Legends is a fast-paced, dynamic game that’s constantly evolving,” said Xinyu Qian, CEO of Outfit7. “And with the introduction of Guilds and Orcs, we’re opening up whole new worlds of strategic possibilities. Players can now unleash even more powerful Champions, potentially turning the tide of their battles, and connect with other fans to form alliances and lasting bonds in the game.”

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